Testator means a 'man who made a Will' and testatrix is a 'woman who made a Will'. Additionally, what is the male version of Testatrix? A testatrix is a legal term referring to a female who makes a will. A testator traditionally has referred to a male will maker, while a testatrix is the feminine form of the noun.



tes·ta·tri·ces A deceased woman who has left a legally valid will. The testator/testatrix’s desire to write a valid will is their right, and their right mustn’t be trifled with or taken away. In real estate, the presence of a will can make a big difference when it comes to possessions of a departed loved one, which is why creating a will is important and everyone should respect it. Testatrix definition is - a woman who is a testator. Time Traveler for testatrix. The first known use of testatrix was in 1564. See more words from the same year Testator definition is - a person who dies leaving a will or testament in force.

Testatrix or testator

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testator/testatrix ( den som förordnat om sin kvarlåtenskap i testamentet) måste vara vid sina sinnens fulla bruk, och får inte ha varit utsatt för hot eller påverkan  Słownik języka polskiego PWN. testator «spadkodawca». mortal, devisor, soul, testatrix, somebody, individual, testate| antonyms: fat person,  syskon, eller står i upp- eller nedstigande släktskap eller svågerlag med testator/testatrix. Den som är framtidsfullmaktshavare, förmyndare,  egendom kallas testator (maskulinum) eller testatrix (femininum). Vad gäller människor får testatorn testamentera till förmån för den som är  Ordet "testator" kan ha följande grammatiska funktioner: substantiv testatrices, testatrix A person who dies with a valid will - Testator - Testator. rate, 3.

testatrix. Testator. Related Content.


A testator traditionally has referred to a male will maker, while a testatrix is the feminine form of the noun. The vast majority of the time, a testator/testatrix will leave their estate to their family.

Testatrix or testator

Define testatrix. testatrix synonyms, testatrix pronunciation, testatrix translation, English dictionary definition of testatrix. n. pl. tes·ta·tri·ces A deceased woman who has left a legally valid will.

testators synonyms, testators pronunciation, testators translation, English dictionary definition of testators.

Testatrix or testator

testamentariskt förordnande kallas testator (maskulin) eller testatrix (feminin). Det. Man måste begära jämkning i domstol för att ta sin laglott i anspråk (7:1, 7:3 ÄB). Testator (testatrix).
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Testatrix or testator

Time Traveler for testatrix. The first known use of testatrix was in 1564. See more words from the same year Testator definition is - a person who dies leaving a will or testament in force. The words Testator and Testatrix might have synonymous (similar) meaning. Find out what connects these two synonyms.

blifwa exceqwerad. Den som upprättar ett testamente kallas testator (maskulinum) eller testatrix (femininum).
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Definition av testator. One who dies having made a legally valid will. Liknande ord. protestation · attestation · detestation · intestate · contestation · testatrix 

The Legal Dictionary has taken steps to ensure that all legal, law, and court terms contained in our legal dictionary are correct. If you feel that the definition of any of our law or legal related terms is not correct please contact us.

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Allows the Testator/Testatrix to establish a “Testamentary Trust” and appoint a “ Testamentary Trustee” to hold and protect property passing to a Beneficiary such  

2012-04-13 · testator (testatrix) A person making a will. Protect your loved ones with a legally binding will. MAKE A WILL ONLINE NOW. previous. testate. next. Totten A woman who has made a will or given a legacy. ‘Thus, justice did not demand that these benefits, which were not intended by the testatrix to whom the defendants owed the duty of care, should be paid by the defendants.’ Challenging transactions of a decedent.

Testator means a 'man who made a Will' and testatrix is a 'woman who made a Will'. Additionally, what is the male version of Testatrix? A testatrix is a legal term referring to a female who makes a will. A testator traditionally has referred to a male will maker, while a testatrix is the feminine form of the noun.

These terms are just an old-fashioned way of distinguishing between a male and a female creator of a will. Nowadays, courts and lawyers usually refer to both as a “testator.” Each state decides for itself who can have a will or who qualifies as a testator. Den som upprättar ett testamente kallas testator [1] (maskulinum) eller testatrix (femininum). Testamentet har sitt ursprung i romersk rätt och gav i romarriket samhällseliten en möjlighet att fördela sina kvarlåtenskaper på ett annat sätt än den vanliga arvsrätten. Testator means a 'man who made a Will' and testatrix is a 'woman who made a Will'.

united-kingdom. Engelska.